①Toolbar: shortcut buttons for some common functions, such as Download, Upload, etc.
②File path bar: when the mouse selects a file or folder in the directory tree, the corresponding path will be displayed here.
③Bookmark bar: you can save a bookmark by dragging a file in a depot or workspace to this area, click on the bookmark, and you will then quickly switch to the file or folder.
④Login information: displaying the current login account and server address.
⑤File details: switch to this page to view the detailed information of the file, such as file type, size, the user that checked out the file, etc.
⑥History log: switch to this page to view the modification records , download previous versions and roll back versions of a file.
⑦Search: select the path you would like to search. Input keywords and search for files in a depot or workspace that meet the your searching criteria.
⑧Pending files: showing files in the current workspace pending submission, which have been checked out, added or marked as deleted, etc.
⑨Workspace list: showing all workspaces owned by the current account
⑩Setting: offering Ptrack setting options including change language, shortcut keys, and open with, etc.