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Ptrack icon definition

Icon Definition
仓库文件 File in a depot
本地文件 File in a workspace but not in a depot
未映射至工作区 Not mapped to workspace
下载最新 The latest version has been downloaded to your workspace.
历史版本 The file in the workspace is outdated.
签出修改 The file has been checked out and locked by you, and file in the workspace has been modified.
签出文件 The file has been checked out and locked by you.
标记删除 The file has been marked by you as deleted and locked from the depot.
添加 You have added a file, pending submission.
移动_添加移动_删除 You are moving or renaming the file (X refers to the original file, and + means the target file).
分支 You are opening a branch of the file.
其他人签出锁定 The file has been checked out and locked by another user.
其他人标记删除 The file has been marked by another user as deleted.
其他人标记删除且锁定 The file has been marked by another user as deleted and locked.
其他人分支 Another user is opening a branch of the file.
集成 The file is being integrated.
已被删除 The file is deleted from the depot.
被删除的文件 Deleted file