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1. Indicator Icons and Terms

The figure below shows the three kinds of indicator icons that may be encountered when using the plug-in, which represent: Inspection Failed, Inspection Passed, and Inspection Error. Generally, Inspection Failed is due to a a rule configuration error (e.g. a bug in the inspection script or a resource error), whereas Inspection Passed/Error represents two different result statuses of inspections whose rules have been carried out normally.

  • Group: the group that the pull rule program belongs to
  • Scheme: one group can contain multiple sets of pre-set rule schemes that are interchangeable
  • Proxy Mode: There is no way for external members who do not have access to the external network to access the ArtEase platform directly, so it is necessary to pull rules and upload data through a proxy.
  • Offline Proxy Mode: The proxy server is set up on a local machine, rule files are pulled locally, and inspection results no longer sync with the ArtEase platform.

2. Logging In

The Max plug-in needs to run a login operation

The username is the half of the email address that precedes the '@' character, the token can be obtained from the Personal Information section of the official ArtEase website. After the initial login, login status will be remembered and there will be no need for the login operation next time the plug-in is opened.

3. Single Model Interface

The diagram below shows the main interface of Max at its current stage. The interface can be divided into three main sections:

  • Settings
  • Rules
  • Result Display


Some settings are used prior to carrying out resource inspections and usually do not need to be changed often, including selecting rules files for different project groups, the different rule schemes in a project group, syncing new rules on the ArtEase platform, changing inspection modes, selecting the language display of the interface, and the account's logout operation.


This area displays the list of rules for the current group and scheme, categorized by their different modules. The list contains two types of rule: the first is one-click check rules (shown as checkboxes) and is suitable for rules that need to be checked frequently. The second is optional rules (shown as buttons, and not triggered by a one-click check), which must be triggered by clicking the check button separately and are suitable for rules that are checked less frequently or rules which alter resources.

Result Display

This area displays the resources that were found to have errors after the last inspection, listed individually in order of the rules and attaching the details of the inspection's rules and causes of the errors.

Repeated Results List

When carrying out inspections on Max, if there is a situation in which an edge, polygon, or element of a submodel is not in keeping with the inspection rules, the staff compiling the rules are used to highlighting the errors by selecting them, however problems can result from checkmarks disappearing after clicking other areas with the mouse, so they will need to check again if they want to know the results of the previous inspection. The repeated results list resolves the issue of saving these kinds of results; users only have to click the name of resources that contain errors on the list, and they will be able to see the results of the previous inspection of resources in Max again.

Click the red X button on the inspection results to make the repeated results list pop up (this function is not enabled for every rule by default and must be configured separately - details can be found in the rule configuration document)

4. Batch Inspection Interface

Batch inspection mode can quickly perform and provide the results of inspections on multiple Max files. Its interface is almost identical to the single model inspection mode, with the usual plug-in panel on the left-hand side and a list of all Max resources in the current resource directory on the right-hand side. Once the inspection process begins, the inspection rules will run checks on the resources selected on the right-hand side in order, and the inspection results will be separated and saved in different entities. Users can switch between inspection results by clicking the list area on the right-hand side.