Python - API
Check for invalid vertices, this method checks the model for unused vertices.
Check for invalid vertices, this method checks the model for unused vertices and highlights them.
Checks for single faces and highlightes them.
condition: ['checkFaceVert', 4]
Checks that the number of sides on a face cannot exceed X; requires parameter checking.
Shows points that have a distance between one another below %s but which do not touch; supports parameter checking; without parameters the default setting is 0.001.
Smoothing group check for the faces in the selected model,displayed in a new model.
Displays faces by smoothing group.
condition: ['checkSmoothNumber',8]
The number of smoothing groups cannot exceed X; requires parameter checking.
condition: ["checkMaterial",{"2":"diffuse color","4":"specular level","9":"bump"}]
The type that the shader ball must contain; requires parameter checking. The key is the ID of the shader ball in Max, the value is used to display the result.
Selects faces by smoothing group.
condition: ["showFaceVert",[['边数',4]]]
Displays the number of sides exceeding X; parameter checking; without parameters the default setting is 5.
condition: ['setUnit',[['单位','millimeters']]]
Sets unit for Max; parameter checking; without parameters the default setting is METER.
condition: ["SetLocation",[['x',1],['y',1],['z',1]]]
Sets the location of the chosen model; parameter checking; without parameters the default setting is [0, 0, 0].
condition: ["cleanMat",[['mat_id',1]]]
Changes the material ID of the selected model to X; parameter checking; without parameters the default setting is 1.
Cleans 2UVs and vertex colors.
Check whether the selected model has a vertex color.
Only cleans the model's vertex colors.
Checks whether the selected bone has a material.
Checks whether the material ID and the model ID match.
Displays faces by vertex color.
Checks for 1UV, removes if present.
Flattens objects by name.
2UV coordinates must be within the range [0, 1]
condition: ['checkTextureFormat',["tga","bmp"]]
Checks texture map format; requires parameter checking.
Checks whether UV is in the first quadrant.
Checks whether bones are scaled proportionally.
condition: ['checkSkinNum', 20]
Checks that the number of bones do not exceed X roots; requires parameters to execute.
condition: ["checkBonesName","^Bone_"]
Checks whether the names of bones accord with the rules; requires parameter checking and must match a regular pattern.
condition: ["checkOverlapFaces"]
Checks for (and highlights) overlapping faces. Highlights by default; if the second parameter is 'False' then it does not highlight and only outputs the results.
Toggles to display the backface culling function.
condition: ['checkMapNums', 2]
Model UV does not exceed X; requires parameter checking.
condition: ['setMapNums',[['UV',2]]]
Deletes UVs apart from X UV; requires parameter checking.