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Resource Transmission

I. Resource Transmission Interface

This interface is available via the main interface after installing the ArtLib client

II. Functions of Resource Transmission

Resource transmission includes three functional modules: Asset Download, Asset Sorting, and Asset Upload

III. Asset Sorting Functions and Interface

This interface is divided into four parts: Upload Settings, File Directory Specifications, Sorting States, and Asset Specifications.

1. Repositories

These correspond to the Muse website repositories and are used to select which repository to upload to.

2. Modules

There are four sorting methods: Gallery, AnimLib, ModelLib, and Engineering Package. These correspond to the Muse website repository modules.

3. Source Directories

Click browse and select a folder to obtain an asset path for sorting.

4. File Specifications

-File Name: Displays the directory name and content according to the directory hierarchy.
-Format Filter: Multiple formats are available. Only files of the selected format will be shown in the folder.
-Folder Number: Number of folders in the directory.
-Display Cover: Select an image from the folder as the resource cover for display.

5. Sorting States

Displays asset sorting progress and asset compression status.

6. Asset Specifications

-Asset Name: The name of the folder where the asset is located.
-Asset Directory: You can choose the asset directory type after adding a directory via the Muse website repository.
-Asset Tags: Provide asset tags for better sorting.
-Asset Content: Choose a file type for the asset to be uploaded.
-Asset Overview: Add a description for the asset.

7. Uploading Resources

Select a resource and click Upload. You can view and edit in the Upload Manager.

8. Importing Data

Import resource data into the resource list in the form of a form.
Engineering package data sheet:
Image data sheet:
Image combo data sheet:
Model data sheet:

9. Exporting Data

Export resource data from the list in the form of a form.

IV. Asset Download Interface and Functions

Asset download includes three functional interfaces: In Progress, Complete, and Recycle Bin.

Asset Download: In Progress

You can check download progress here.
1. This is the management interface for switching between task statuses in the Download Category title bar.
2. It displays all current downloads and their progress.
3. Select a save path.
4. Perform operations such as pausing, deleting, and opening the file location for each download task.
5. Batch start, batch pause, and batch delete selected task lists.

Asset Download: Complete

You can view the details of downloaded tasks here
Batch Operation: In the task details list, click the check box to make a selection, and perform operations such as batch delete.

Asset Download: Recycle Bin

You can view download tasks which have already been deleted here.
Batch Operation: In the task details area, click the check box to make a selection, and perform operations such as batch restore and batch delete of download records.

V. Task Management Interface and Functions

Task Management: In Progress

You can check unfinished tasks and their details here.
This interface is divided into four parts: Time Filter, Task List, Task Details, and Batch Operations.
Time Filter: Displays tasks by date. There are also quick settings for Yesterday, Last 7 Days, and Last 30 Days.
Batch Operations: You can batch delete or withdraw tasks in the task list.
Task Details: Select a task from the task list to display its asset details on the right.
Editing Tasks: Double click a task from the task list to enter the editor interface, where you can edit the task.

Task Management: Complete

You can check completed tasks and their details here.
Time Filter: Displays tasks by date. There are also quick settings for Yesterday, Last 7 Days, and Last 30 Days.
Batch Operations: You can batch delete or withdraw tasks in the task list.
Task Details: Select a task from the task list to display its asset details on the right.

Task Management: Recycle Bin

You can check deleted tasks and their details here.
Time Filter: Displays tasks by date. There are also quick settings for Yesterday, Last 7 Days, and Last 30 Days.
Batch Operations: You can batch delete or withdraw tasks in the task list.
Task Details: Select a task from the task list to display its asset details on the right.